Look, we know that once you read Start Dreaming Again that you’re going to love it. That said, we also recognize that a book can sometimes feel like a commitment that you’re making blindly. We know how you feel. In fact, we’ve often felt the same way, so we want to try to meet you halfway. To that end, we put together a free pdf preview that we think you’ll appreciate.
While we’re not going to tell you what the two secrets are (that’s a big part of the marketing shtick, after all! Hopefully folks aren’t just throwing them out in every other Amazon review… 😉 ) we’d like to give you a free chunk of the first part of the book, as well as a chapter breakdown so that you can see what we’re giving you in the book. After that, you should be able to see that not buying the book actually costs you more than the book does by a factor of thousands.
Don’t forget that you can share the book for free, too, (on the right, in the sidebar) if someone you know might like the book. We also won’t stop you if you’re ready to just buy the book on Amazon or CreateSpace. (CreateSpace is owned by Amazon but pays us about 50% more per copy. That said, feel free to use either one.)